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what's the oddest thing you've found inside a patient?

The unidentified 42-year-old went to a essential care medical institution in Japan, announcing she had experienced bloating for three years, according to the report, posted Wednesday.

A CT scan of her stomach confirmed two masses with strings attached to them. A surgical technique referred to as a laparotomy demonstrated the presence of two gauze sponges that had grow to be connected to the patient's omentum -- a fold of tissue that connects the stomach with other abdominal constructions -- and colon.
The authors concluded that the sponges were possibly left after a cesarean section. The female had had two cesarean sections -- one six years beforehand and one nine years earlier -- but it is doubtful which one resulted in the retained items. She did not have any different abdominal or pelvic surgeries, in accordance Dr. Takeshi Kondo, a common medicine doctor at Chiba University Hospital and a lead author of the report.

After the removal of the sponges, the patient's symptoms resolved, and she was once discharged 5 days later.

Many -- but no longer all -- Japanese hospitals and clinics operate imaging of the stomach earlier than closing a surgical wound to ensure that no objects are left inner the patient, Kondo said. 


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